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How to Conduct an Effective Safety Audit

Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM CST
How to Conduct an Effective Safety Audit

Safety audits are the lynchpin of an effective safety and risk management program. It is not possible to maintain an effective program without the existence of a formal and effective safety audit process. It is said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it” and the safety audit process is one way of “measuring” the effectiveness of a safety and risk management program. 

In its most basic form, safety audits identify if conditions and work practices comply with company standards and policies. This allows employers to identify and correct observed unsafe conditions and work practices. However, simple safety audits are not capable of producing the type of information and insights that can drive employers to become industry leaders. 

Horton has invested in a leading-edge software platform that takes the data collected during audits and, using an algorithm, projects the likelihood of specific incidents and injuries. This allows employers to focus valuable resources on areas most likely to cause loss. 

Industry leading employers also report a ripple effect in reducing downtime and improving operational efficiencies. By integrating safety audits and reporting programs within a robust safety culture, and analytical tools grounded in both leading and lagging indicators, employers are able to “predict” the type of injuries likely to occur.

Horton’s predictive analytics platform compiles data from multiple sources to provide employers with actionable information to predict and prevent workplace injuries and improve safety outcomes. Learn more about how this unique tool can help improve your safety program and bottom line. 


Team Manager / Horton Safety Consultants / Bio

Chris Pfeiffer is a certified safety and health professional with experience working in construction and general industry environments.  

Beginning his career as a safety consultant-intern within The Horton Group, he quickly realized the correct decision was made by joining a field of professionals who show great interest in making a positive difference with regard to workplace safety. Demonstrating active and ongoing commitment to the safety efforts and success of The Horton Group as an agency, Chris was offered full time employment following college graduation. Within seven years, Chris was able to perform in the Safety Consultant, Senior Consultant and Vice President positions and be promoted to Team Manager. 

Material posted on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a legal opinion or medical advice. Contact your legal representative or medical professional for information specific to your legal or medical needs.

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