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Section 125 Election Changes & HIPAA Special Enrollments

Thursday, January 27, 2022, 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. CST
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Section 125 Election Changes & HIPAA Special Enrollments

Ever been confused about the difference between midyear election changes under Section 125 and special enrollment events under HIPAA? Why are some types of changes required but others are only permissible? How do these events interact with one another? During this webinar, we’ll walk through the regulatory requirements for Section 125 election changes and HIPAA special enrollments, focusing on how these events differ and how they may overlap. We’ll also talk about what language is required in an employer’s cafeteria plan document to permit midyear election changes under Section 125 and why communication with carriers and stop-loss vendors is important for administering these types of changes. 

Bob Radecki, President, Benefit Comply, LLC

Bob Radecki has more than 30 years of experience in the HR and employee benefits industry, helping employers deal with difficult benefit and compliance matters. Previously, Bob founded and served as president of A.E. Roberts Company, a nationally recognized compliance consulting and training firm. He has served as the principal HIPAA consultant to a number of health insurance companies and is recognized as an expert on a variety of benefit compliance issues including COBRA, FMLA, health reform, and more.


Ben Graves, President, Benefit Comply, LLC

Ben Graves has been working in employee benefits for over 25 years. He provides consulting on various employee welfare benefit compliance issues including the Affordable Care Act, COBRA, HIPAA, ERISA, FMLA and other various benefit compliance requirements. He has developed numerous training programs and presented hundreds of employees benefit compliance seminars nationwide. Before joining Benefit Comply, he was the compliance director for a large national employee benefits brokerage firm.


Material posted on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a legal opinion or medical advice. Contact your legal representative or medical professional for information specific to your legal or medical needs.

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