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Why investigate? The importance of having a strong accident investigation program. (NonProfits)

Thursday, June 17, 2021, 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM EST
Why investigate? The importance of having a strong accident investigation program. (NonProfits)

After your organization suffers an accident or near-miss, what are the next steps? As a responsible employer, you need to react quickly to the incident with an investigation procedure for finding the root causes and implementing corrective actions.

Quick and planned actions demonstrate your organization’s commitment to the safety and health of your workers, and your willingness to improve your safety and health management program to prevent future incidents. The purpose of an accident/incident investigation is to provide employers a systematic approach to help them identify and control the underlying or root causes of all incidents in order to prevent their recurrence.

Alex Chausovsky of ITR Economics


Genalle Miller

Senior Safety Consultant / Horton Group

Genalle Miller is a Senior Safety Consultant for Horton Safety Consultants, a Horton subsidiary which provides comprehensive safety consulting services to a growing number of industrial, construction, public entity and service operations. Since 1991, Horton’s Safety Consultants team has offered clients a multitude of services designed to control exposure to risk at every level of operation.

Genalle joined Horton in 2015, bringing more than seven years of experience in environmental/occupational health and safety to her Horton clients.  Over the years, Genalle has honed her knowledge of how to assess and prioritize clients’ needs.



Material posted on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a legal opinion or medical advice. Contact your legal representative or medical professional for information specific to your legal or medical needs.

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