Your home should always keep your family and possessions safe by keeping out any unwelcomed visitors. But unfortunately, a report from the FBI found that a home theft occurs every 13 seconds, with an average loss of over $2,400.
Thefts can happen in any neighborhood since an experienced thief can enter any building. Help secure your home with these seven theft prevention tips:
- Keep all of your doors and windows locked, even when you’re at home. The FBI estimates that 79% of thieves enter a home through an unlocked window or door.
- Get to know your neighbors so it’s easier to pick out strangers in your area. You can also think about forming a neighborhood watch group through your local police station to discourage thieves.
- Walk around the outside of your home from a thief’s point of view. Try to look for any objects that could break a window or door, and hide any valuables you can see from the outside.
- Never hide a key to your home outside. Instead, give a key to a trusted friend or neighbor. If you must hide a key, keep it in a combination lockbox instead of out in the open.
- Keep lights or a radio on when you leave your home to make it look like someone’s there. Most thefts take place in an empty home, and thieves will probably move on if they think someone’s there.
- Install a home security system. Many modern systems can even let you check up on your home or change settings through a mobile app.
- Call us at 708-845-3000. We’ll work with you to ensure that all aspects of your home are protected from thieves and other threats.
Your homeowner’s insurance policy is there to protect you from losses like fires and burglaries, but an often forgotten part of having this coverage is documenting your possessions. Insurance carriers are much more likely to reimburse you if you can show them a lost item’s value and condition. Plus, a completed home inventory can help you determine if you have enough insurance coverage.
Consider these tips when you’re conducting an inventory of your possessions:
- Walk through every room of your home and identify all of the contents.
- Document as many details as possible, even if they don’t seem important. This could include model numbers, serial numbers, descriptions and dates of purchase.
- Keep receipts for all of your large purchases so you can determine an item’s value and help with any necessary appraisals.
- Take photos or videos of your possessions to help determine exactly what’s been lost or damaged after an incident, and keep this documentation with your completed home inventory.
- Store your home inventory and all other relevant documents in a fireproof safe, and consider storing a copy in another secure place.
- Update your home inventory regularly to ensure it accounts for all of your possessions.
- Get in touch with us to determine if you have enough coverage for your personal belongings.
Material posted on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a legal opinion or medical advice. Contact your legal representative or medical professional for information specific to your legal or medical needs.